SKU: 7096360108121-groove-e-ride-ripper Category: Tag:


So, after several years of talking about it and nearly a year of working on it, we have finally built and brought in our own electric bike brand. Taking customer input combined with our collective knowledge, it’s fun to say that we’ve nailed it. We created a bike that’s awesome on and off road trails. It’s a hub drive (which hits the desired price point and has a throttle, which many are looking for), but we’ve used a motor and power mapping to provide the feel of a butter smooth Mid-Drive. Hydraulic brakes, pneumatic front suspension, 48V/14Ah, 750 watt constant – 1000 peak, 27.5 WTB Groove E tires, nice Shimano components and ergonomic frame geometry that everyone loves. We have the ability to program this for Class 1, 2 or 3, we can do thumb or twist throttle and we also have a hard-tail mountain bike version, perfect for light mountain trails. Our long-time customers are literally blown away by this bike. Seriously, come ride one . We are super happy and proud of this development. Introducing the Groove E-Ride Ripper!

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